by Javelina | May 28, 2021 | Business, Community, Politics
This summer’s required listening We’re in a moment of change. Summer is coming quick (a welcome change for our Denver office, not so much for our Phoenix folks), mask mandates are relaxing across the country, and those of us who are privileged enough to have...
by Javelina | Apr 15, 2021 | Business, Community, Marketing & Branding
Here at Javelina, we use a variety of free online tools in our work – from scheduling, to project management, to managing our to-do lists. In today’s blog, we’ll share some of our favorite tools that help us make community change – and how they can help you make...
by Catherine Alonzo | Feb 18, 2021 | Business, Community, Marketing & Branding
Did you brush your teeth today? I’m assuming if you haven’t yet, that you intend to at some point. I’m also guessing that you did it yesterday and will do it tomorrow, too. At least once. The vast majority of Americans brush their teeth every single day. Why? Probably... by Catherine Alonzo | Feb 4, 2021 | Business, Community, Politics
Remember that change is made in small moments We are coming up on one year in a global pandemic. For many of us, this time last year was more familiar and much simpler. We had our routines down. We were juggling work and family commitments while trying to stay on top... by Catherine Alonzo | Sep 17, 2020 | Business
How to build a plan that works for your team Whether your team includes two people or 100, strategic planning is a vital component in your long term strategy for making an impact. A strategic plan is an organized, intentional way of gathering input from all members of...
by Catherine Alonzo | Jul 23, 2020 | Business, Community
Leadership lessons from 2020 to pocket for the future Among many other things, COVID-19 has been the title sponsor of Leadership Boot Camp for anyone managing a team this year. Whether you’re leading a family of four or a multinational company, the learnings have...
by Catherine Alonzo | May 15, 2020 | Business, Marketing & Branding
Harnessing a “Rocket Science Mindset” to reach unlimited results This week, a dear friend of mine who leads a medium-sized nonprofit organization in the arts sector called to ask for some advice. She had seen our blog post about how to fundraise amid COVID-19 and...
by Catherine Alonzo | Mar 16, 2020 | Business, Community
Developing a values-based framework for rapid decision making As COVID-19 and its social, psychological, and economic impacts unfold on a daily basis, organizations are facing tough decisions. Should we cancel our annual fundraiser? What about the conference we... by Javi Javelina | Jun 29, 2018 | Business
As the world-altering, oft-quoted, guru for community change Mahatma Gandhi said: “A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.” These true words are at the very heart of Javelina, what we do, and...
by Catherine Alonzo | Sep 1, 2017 | Business, Marketing & Branding
An Inside Look at Change at Javelina Javelina will turn six in January. As a company, it has grown and evolved a lot in that time. One of the most common questions we receive is “What IS Javelina?” It’s a great question, and we haven’t had a clear answer. We’ve...