How Debates Impact Election Campaigns

How Debates Impact Election Campaigns

How Debates Impact Election Campaigns by Steve Goldstein, KJZZ 91.5 https://javelina.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/how-debates-impact-election-campaigns-TS101014_Debate.mp3 There are a bunch of TVs in our newsroom and, over the past week or so, it’s been impossible to...

Political TV Ad Showing ISIS Video Draws Criticism

By Wendy J Rogers – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=19145773 A new political ad is drawing criticism because it shows the video of an ISIS terrorist with American journalist James Foley right before his reported beheading....
Governor’s Primary Shatters Spending Records

Governor’s Primary Shatters Spending Records

Spending in the gubernatorial primary has already made the 2014 race for Arizona governor the most expensive contest ever for the state government’s top job, an Arizona Republic analysis shows. The record-shattering $16.2 million spent in the primary was fueled...

Political Trends in Arizona Elections

Political Trends in Arizona Elections by Steve Goldstein, KJZZ 91.5 https://javelina.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/political-trends-in-arizona-elections-KJZZ_HN_082014_election.mp3 Javelina partner Catherine Alonzo talks the Independent vote, Dark Money and negative...
Voters Question Where Congressional Candidates Live

Voters Question Where Congressional Candidates Live

By Department of the Interior (National Atlas of the United States) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons It’s one of the hot topics this election year. Candidates running for office in districts they don’t live in. Jason Barry reports on the issue and...

What’s In A Political Name?

What's In A Political Name? by Steve Goldstein, KJZZ 91.5 https://javelina.co/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/what-is-in-a-political-name-Political_Names_Final_Mix_converted.mp3 With many, many apologies to Shakespeare, we ask: What’s in a political name? Arizona’s...
Financial Impact of Phoenix Pension Reform Unclear

Financial Impact of Phoenix Pension Reform Unclear

Hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars are on the line when Phoenix voters cast their ballots this November. They will decide whether to end the costly pension system for city workers and replace it with a plan similar to a private-sector 401(k). But for many...