The Top Ten Products that Change Lives

The Top Ten Products that Change Lives

A couple of weeks ago, my angelic bunny rabbit Fiona maliciously chewed through the cord of my hair straightener.  And since then life has been harder. It takes longer to do other things to my hair to make it presentable, and so I’ve had three bad choices: Sleep less...
When change seems impossible

When change seems impossible

This week’s blog was slated to be about initiating change in organizations. And as I sit down to write it, a few hours after I heard about the tragic events in Las Vegas, the words won’t come. I’m overwhelmingly sad. Because while Javelina’s purpose is change –...
Change is Coming

Change is Coming

An Inside Look at Change at Javelina   Javelina will turn six in January. As a company, it has grown and evolved a lot in that time. One of the most common questions we receive is “What IS Javelina?” It’s a great question, and we haven’t had a clear answer. We’ve...
A New Take on Mentors

A New Take on Mentors

What it means to have a mentor and how to find the perfect one   Ask any leader whom you admire what they attribute their success to and 98% of them will list their mentors among their top factors. During my career, I have always felt like I’ve struggled to find...
Banishing The Good Girl Complex

Banishing The Good Girl Complex

How becoming CEO has forced me to face my deepest fear and become a whole different person   I am eight, maybe nine, sitting in the back seat of the car with my younger brother. My nana and my mum are in the front. Alex and I are squabbling about something...
Self-Promotion is a Four-Letter Word

Self-Promotion is a Four-Letter Word

Self-promotion is vital in today’s competitive, social-media driven world. Every single person wants to make an impact in the world and make their story heard. And self-promotion is an important tool for every professional at every level, not just for executives and...