
4 great online surveys for your team

Change isn’t easy, and if there’s one thing we know at Javelina it’s that realizing impactful change takes an overflowing toolbox of tips, tricks and talents. To make big changes in your world, you will need:

  1. A strategy for that change
  2. People to help you implement the strategy, and
  3. Resources for those people to use along the way.

Let’s rest our attention on number 2 on this list for a minute. The better you know your people the more you’ll be able to leverage their unique skills and abilities.

One trap we all commonly fall into is forming expectations for others based on our own personalities and tendencies.

If you are super punctual, you might expect the same in others and be highly annoyed when you’re kept waiting for 30 minutes. If you await the annual celebration of your birth with a countdown clock and baited breath, you likely don’t understand the I-don’t-really-like-my-birthday people.

Truly understanding others is a power-move for change-makers everywhere.

Here are three great online personality-assessment tools we’ve recently discovered that will help you unlock the inner workings of your colleagues’ minds.

1. The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin

Do you find it easy to set and meet your own goals, or do you have a guilty pile of failed New Year’s Resolutions in your past? The Happiness Project’s Gretchen Rubin has developed a quiz that divides the world into four groups when it comes to how you respond to internal and external expectations. We’re loving this one at the Javelina office. It may shed light on why some coworkers never respond to office-wide email requests.

2. Built for Growth by Chris Kuenne and John Danner

The Built for Growth quiz seeks to discover how you approach building something – whether it’s a company, a program or a movement. Take the quiz to find out how you handle the five dynamic challenges of building something: shaping ideas, transforming teams, converting customers to partners, aligning with investors, and propelling strategy.

3. The Big Five Personality Test by FiveThirtyEight

This test gives you a breakdown of how you fall on five major personality traits – extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, negative emotionality and openness to experience. It’s quick to take, and not only gives you a description of your tendencies, but also tells you where you stack up compared to the average person and the FiveThirtyEight team.

4. And for gratuitous Friday fun, here is a BuzzFeed quiz to finally get to the bottom of which melancholy vegetable you most resemble.

Take these yourself and share them with your team. Sharing the results will help you all seek an increased understanding of how you all tick – and how you can work effectively together to change the world.

If there are other quizzes you love, share them with us on our social media pages!


Javi Javelina


Guest Blogger

Javi is our fearless mascot, he loves donuts AND avocados. 

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