by Javi Javelina | Mar 29, 2023 | Podcast Review
Learn more about the Javelina herd in Colorado! In 2019, Javelina decided to grow our impact by expanding beyond Arizona into Colorado. In the past three years, we’ve grown our presence exponentially – we’ve gone from just one Coloradan team member to 4... by Javi Javelina | Jul 22, 2021 | Community
What’s a pivotal moment of change in your life? I hiked the Appalachian Trail a number of years ago. When I was starting out, there was a guy who we met who said something pretty impactful. Everybody’s got trail names – his was Texas Eagle. I was going north... by Javi Javelina | Apr 1, 2021 | Business, Community
It’s been an exciting couple of weeks at Javelina – we’ve added two new team members to our herd! We took a few minutes to ask about their personal passions, their core values, and the change they want to create in the world. Read on to meet Maggy Waddington and... by Javi Javelina | Jan 21, 2021 | Business, Community
Help us change the world – working from home Javelina is hiring! It’s a busy and exciting time for us as a company. There are more opportunities for us to make change than ever before, and we want you to be a part of it. We’re looking for interns to assist our... by Javi Javelina | Dec 10, 2020 | Community
Every other Friday, the Javelina team posts right here on Our Friday blog can be anything: a story about changemakers, some advice we’ve cooked up for you, a useful tool we want to share, and so on. No matter what it is, it’s always in service of our... by Javi Javelina | Oct 29, 2020 | Politics
There’s a LOT going on this Election Day. Trump vs. Biden may be everyone’s number one race to watch with a bucket of popcorn, but there’s also the little question of which party controls the US Senate for the next two years. Two of the most consequential... by Javi Javelina | Feb 17, 2020 | Marketing & Branding
Happy Presidents’ Day! Although US History has certainly had its ups and downs, we have definitely had some great presidents lead our country. So, in honor of all the fascinating, change-inspiring leaders of the White House’s past, we asked team Javelina: Who is your... by Javi Javelina | Feb 13, 2020 | Marketing & Branding
Happy Valentine’s Day y’all! ???? We love Valentine’s Day at Javelina — any way you choose to celebrate it, today is great for expressing appreciation for the people and things in life that you love. In honor of the holiday, we asked members of the herd to share... by Javi Javelina | Feb 7, 2020 | Marketing & Branding
Thank you to all who participated in Javelina’s first Change the World Awards! We absolutely loved learning more about the people and stories you found inspirational in 2019. Now, on to the winners! The Winner of Best News Story of 2019… By a... by Javi Javelina | Jan 30, 2020 | Community, Politics
We know… 2019 was a tough year. But, thankfully, there were plenty of stories about the good things happening here in Arizona and around the world! Here are the nominations for the Best News Story of 2019 (in order of submission). ???? ⭐Brand new school named...